Archive | December, 2014

Busy as a Bee!

11 Dec

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since my last blog post. I terribly miss blogging but time can’t allow me to do so. Lots of things happened in the past, everything worth sharing / blogging however I need to prioritize things out.

Let me tell you what keeps me busy nowadays aside from being a corporate slave, a mother for a very clever slash brat teen age girl and a wife to a very caring and loving husband.

I’m a Student

  • I am currently enrolled in a post graduate program in UP Open University. Since it’s a Distance Education kind of learning everything was done online. It was convenient, yes since you can study anytime and anywhere you want but definitely not a walk in the park . Talking about the tons of reading materials, online participation, lots of sleepless nights chasing due dates for assignments and activities. I actually thinking of quitting in the middle of the term but glad I did not because I just finished my 2 subjects for this term. Now I’m in the middle of 2nd trimester…Hooray!

I’m a networker

  • I’m doing networking business thru Royale Business Club. I was a member of this Organization for a few years now and I’m loving it. I’m not earning millions yet but I think i’m getting there hehehe. I know lots of people don’t appreciate network marketing but sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone if we want to experience financial freedom. For me as long as you are in a good company, good marketing plan and good products success will definitely follow.

I’m an online seller

  • I’m managing fb page We’re selling personalized shirts, mugs, caps, etc etc.
  • I also have an active account in, an online shopping site in the UAE and other GCC countries. I’m selling Royale products and fashion accessories there.

Charity Worker

  • I’m supporting various charity works here in the UAE.
  • I’m a World vision child advocate. I sponsored one child name Princess to help finance her studies.
  • I’m a supporter of aluminum can collection campaign here in Abu Dhabi headed by Mr. Mike Manlogon.

I am really thankful to God for giving me enough strength to accomplish all my task. I wish I could find more time to blog, I can’t wait to share exciting stories and share my life journey.

See you when I see you! God bless all!